Morning Sessions cost £10.00 per child per session
Full Day Sessions cost £22.00 per child per session
Crofthead Full Day Sessions cost £26.00 per child per session​
A one of £20.00 admin fee is charged for the enrolment of each child on to our register
We use the Famly App to issue your invoice, the app allows you to view your invoices and payments made. Invoices are sent for the 1st of each month with payment required within 10 days. All term time session dates are chargeable, there are no refunds for absences.
Payments are to be made by direct bank transfer. Our bank details are on your invoice.
All Childcare Vouchers are accepted
Tax Free Childcare Payments are accepted. Click here to see if your eligible https://www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare
If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be entitled to receive a fully funded place.
Check if you are eligible for a funded place by applying here:
3 & 4 year old Funding - Please follow this link - https://westlothian.gov.uk/apply-for-elc-3-or-4-year-old
These applications only takes a few minutes to complete, be sure to state which Community Playgroup you would like to apply for as your preferred setting. If you require help completing this form or need any assistance please do not hesitate to ask a member of our team.
If you are not eligible for a fully funded place check with Universal Credits for eligibility of up to 80% of your monthly fees https://www.gov.uk/guidance/universal-credit-childcare-costs